Hello, I come now with a soft developped by myself. Since IE7 in xp or in Windows Vista there is a Rss engine/API developped by Microsoft. So every program can use the same Rss list. In IE7 or higher you can manage your Rss list.
But if you want to know if there is an update for a feed, you need to open IE and see if the feed is in bold. The main goal of Rss feed is that you don’t need to visit a web site to see if there is an update, and here you must take the action to see if a feed is in bold.
My tool IERssNotificator is a tool which use the Ms Feed api and which will popup a notification window like a mail software. This tool is developped in C# and WPF.
If you click on a post from a feed, it will open the rss page from IE, so I let IE manage reading, adding or removing feeds.
You can choose on which feed you want to receive notification by right clicking on the notification icon and choose configure.
You can download this tool, it’s totaly free. I will be happy if you give me some feedback about what you think about the tool, the idea, if there is bug or if you want other functionality.